Sowing the seeds of strong communities

From small seeds grow mighty trees – or 10-foot high sunflowers at least.

Sunflowers help bring people together at Methlan Park, Dumbarton

Loretto tenant Linda Murphy has helped bring neighbours together – and add a splash of colour to her block – by growing huge sunflowers.

The sunflowers take pride of place at the entrance to Methlan Park in Dumbarton.

Linda, 61, a retired home carer, said: “Sunflowers are very happy flowers – and they’re very easy to grow.

“I thought they would brighten the place up – and they’ve also been a good way to meet other people.

“Since have been growing and I’ve been out watering the flowers them I’ve got to know my neighbours. My neighbours can’t believe the size of them.”

Loretto’s Dan Blake added: “It’s great when our tenants help improve their own communities.”

Wednesday, August 29, 2018